Hinewai Clark, awardee, at the Auckland award ceremony 2017
Open for applications 17th July 2023
Scroll down for more information on the awards.
If you have any questions, please contact: awards@newhorizonsforwomen.org.nz
Please note: You will need to sign up to register on the applications website. Once registered, you will be able to start your application. You can return to complete your application at another time, by signing back in. This video shows how to continue a partially completed application. View The Video
There are two types of Second-Chance Education Awards:
Foundation Certificate/ Diploma Studies Awards ($1,000 to $1,400) and Degree Study Awards ($3,000 to $4,000).
Second-Chance Education Awards are for women who are engaging in tertiary education for the first time, at EITHER a Foundation Certificate (NZQA level 3-4) or Diploma level (NZQA level 5-6), or Degree level (NZQA level 7).
In all categories, the awards are a one-off grant to help with study and/or living expenses.
Contact Details:
Certificate and Diploma Studies Awards
Degree Study Awards
Degree Study Awards Manawatū-Whanganui
Diploma Awards sponsored by Toi Ohomai
Degree Awards sponsored by Toi Ohomai
All awards for research aim to support women who are conducting research that benefits women and/or girls in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Research awards offered in 2022:
SROW Research award, valued at $5000
Wāhine Ora: a co-funded research award from Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, New Zealand's Māori Centre for Research Excellence and New Horizons for Women Trust: Hine Kahukura, valued at $10,000
Margaret L Bailey Science Award, for research expenses of a post-doctoral researcher in the physical and social sciences, valued at $5000
Contact Details:
Research Award (SROW)
Margaret L Bailey Science Award
Purpose Specific Purpose Awards are for women to study or develop an initiative with a specific purpose.
Description In 2022, NHWTHK is offering a range of Specific Purpose Awards:
Career Change Award - one award for $3,000, 35+ years
Gwen Ryan Educational Award for Migrant-refugee Women - one award of $3000
Inspiring Women in IT award - 1 award of $1000 for a woman training towards a career in information technology
Refugee Study Awards- 1 or 2 awards of $3,000
Social Cohesion Award - one award for an initiative promoting social cohesion in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Sonja Davies Peace Award - one award up to $4,000, for an initiative that promotes peace (not for tertiary study)
Outward Bound Discovery Course Award sponsored by Outward Bound NZ and Alexandra Kilpatrick Bequest - one award of $2,680 value for a woman 27+ years of age
Outward Bound Classic Course Award sponsored by Outward Bound NZ and Alexandra Kilpatrick Bequest one award of $4,349 value for a woman 18 - 26 years of age
Outward Bound Activate Course Award sponsored by Outward Bound NZ and Alexandra Kilpatrick Bequest one award of $3,191 value for a woman 18+ years of age with a physical disability
Outward Bound Activate Course Award sponsored by Outward Bound NZ and Eva Hartshorn-Sanders one award of $3,191 value for a woman 18+ years of age with a physical disability
PSA Outward Bound Course award for a PSA member, co-sponsored by Outward Bound, PSA and Alexandra Kilpatrick Bequest
Pam Thorburn Award - $3000 for a disabled woman in the Wellington region in post-graduate study or research
Post-Young Environment Award - $3500 for a woman under the age of 30 for degree study or research in the areas of climate change, environmental protection or biodiversity
Post-Young Trades Award - two awards of $3000 for a woman under the age of 30 studying towards a trade or apprenticeship qualification
Te Reo o Te Hākui award - sponsored by the O'Regan and Johnson whānau - one award of $1000 for study in Te Reo Māori or with a course component in Te Reo
The Teupoko'ina Utanga Morgan Memorial Second-chance Education award - $3000 for a Pasifika woman for study in early childhood education
Women in Audio award for a woman training or starting her career in audio engineering or music production
Please note that the following Specific Purpose awards are NOT offered in 2022:
AWIS STEM award - 1 or 2 awards (total of $9,000)
The Teupoko'ina Utanga Morgan Memorial Innovation award - $5000 for Pasifika women to advance Pasifika early childhood education - next offered in 2023
Contact Details: